Wild Card: Is the 4th Quarter Sneaking up on Ya Too?
We have talked about time in the past and we will keep talking about it until our time is up (okay enough time puns). The last few weeks have taught me a lot about time and how elusive it can be. Confused? Walk with me.
Our schedules rule our lives. Without one, we'd never get anything done. It is a weird way of thinking, but ruling our lives by strict time schedules can actually hurt us in the long run. I mean when do you get time to play or sleep in? And if you're always racing against the clock, are you even enjoying the task at hand?
Two weeks ago, I had caught Co-Vid and was basically told to pop a squat and do nothing for ten days. Being a person that is constantly on the go, it felt like a death sentence. Adding that I was sick and couldn't move much anyway, and you got a girl trapped in her own mind.
I think this is how we all get sometimes. Paralyzed with all we have to do, and then getting trapped in our own minds about how to do it all. Now that school started for some kids and the holidays are around the corner, it feels like crunch time just got crunchier. Every year we fall into this cycle. And by the end of the year, we're sighing with relief that its all over and gear up to do it again. In order to save a few of yall some gray hairs, here is my advice for the 4th Quarter of the year.
Take your breaks/times of rest at work seriously. (Don't type with a sandwich in your hand. Focus on tasting your food).
Don't skip out on meals because of [insert lame reason not to eat]
Drink water (like every day)
Take a moment EVERY DAY to set a timer for 5 minutes and focus on your slow breathing.
Take a nap.
Color something fun.
Think about Black Friday/Cyber Monday NOW so you're not panicking 2 months from now.
Take time for yourself. You deserve it.
Hope yall are ready to do great things in this final stretch of the year! You are a rockstar so act like it damnit! Until next week!
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