Visit Beh'Miath: Deh'Niuhs's Rehlm
Updated: Jul 23, 2024
Note from the Creator: Looking for human artists to make animation on Earth. If interested, please reach out through the contact form.
Welcome to BEH’MIAHTH (B-EH-M-EE-AH-TH), a Rehlm of strength both physically and internally. Gifted to Deh’Nius by his beloved, Fae, this a Rehlm of Ji’Ahntz, Sy’Klahps, and Oh’Gurz, collectively called Beh'Miahns. This is the last Rehlm to be created in the Universe and tends to be the least visited by outsiders, especially after Deh’Niuhs must leave to restore order to Skah’l and false rumors begin to spread about this planet's inhabitants. We are the first to say that this is a Rehlm full of gentle giants who have a love for fitness and outdoor activities. If you are into being active and participating in a little friendly competition with warriors the size of mountains, this is the perfect Rehlm to visit! We hope to keep this section of our Library up to date as new information becomes available.
Note: This is an article connected to The H'Ohm Project, a fictional world created by Crystal Cabrae. All content shared is the property of Storyteller Planet, gelii)star productions, and Crystal Cabrae. All misuse of content may result in the need for legal action. For more information about specific project details, contact us directly here.
About the Author
Crystal Cabrae is a storyteller who specializes in writing dystopian, romantic, and adventurous worlds for animation and fantastical fiction. She is a proud graduate of Full Sail University, AMDA, and New World School of the Arts. Her six years of acting training in New York and Miami gives her a unique perspective when approaching her characters. She has a passion for sharing how to create stories with the world and inspiring the storyteller that lives within all of us. Follow her on IG or Pinterest to know the latest.