What's Your Name in Yu'Nik? Learn to Speak Native Yu'Nik in Less Than 10 Minutes!
Updated: Dec 3, 2024
Let's face it, language learning isn't easy. But it can be fun and ultimately unite us across Lahnds and Rehlms. All we have to do is expand our minds. This is easiest understood by those who speak Earth English, but other languages from other places may also understand this language lesson.
Tip #1: Laugh every time you mess up and then try again. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow. Embrace it!
Note from the Author: Many have asked me why I made some names in my fictional stories complex rather than "stick to the status quo". Frankly, the status quo has always confused me and it has little place for people like me at the proverbial table. To be even franker, the Western mind is spoiled in seeing what is familiar, down to the point of others changing their identities to blend in with the mundane.
The Univers of H'Ohm is a fusion of many Earth cultures and 'mythologies' that live among us, yet it is respectfully different. It has no place next to the Thors and Zues of our time nor was that ever the intention for its creation. It surpasses that need in the way Tolkien, Lee, and Disney left our minds fiending for the fantastical and requires a different language to encompass its magnitude. I offer you the chance to leap into the unknown once more. Join me in learning about a fictional world ruled by the rule that love is a powerful force. Now, let's learn some vowels, shall we?
'Phonetic Vowels of The Universe''
Note: All Di’Ehti and Rehlm Names are spelled phonetically.
//Ah// = Ah like “Ahhhh, shabeniaaaa, babadishububum”
//Eh// = Eh like “Meh, I’m alright.”
//Ae// = Aye like “Aye, look over there!”
//Ih// = ih like “Iterate”
//I// = ee like “Yee-Haw!”
//Ai// = I like the letter “I”
//Au// = Ow like “Ow, that hurt.”
//U// = OO like “oooo child things are gonna get easier”
How to To Make Your Name Yu'Nik
Let's take the name Jessica and break it down phonetically. J-EH-S-IH-K-AH. Because most people say Jess-ika rather than something weird like Je-sika, we are going to represent the natural sound with a '. So, you would spell it Jehs'Ihkah or Jeh'Sihkah. I personally like the second spelling. This is how I made all the names of all the deities and realms that you will find below. If you are ever reading something on Fantasy Island that doesn't make sense, just use this article as a guide to make it make sense.
Helpful Tip for Words and Names
Whenever you see a ' in the name of something, such as Eh'Fi, it's an emphasis to help you pronounce it. It's like if McDonald was spelled Mc'Dahnld. Or Taco Bell was spelled Tah'Koh Behl. Or Walmart was spelled Wah'L Mah'Rt. Or Amazon was spelled Ah'Mahzahn. In this world, phonetic vowel spelling is key. This applies mostly to larger-than-life characters such as spiritual beings, Rehlms, and Di'Ehtis. If they have a Yu'Nik-sounding name, like Ahnahki, then they are special with a fantastical destiny. If they sound more Earthian, such as Mateo or Andres, they are likely Mor'Tahl with a predetermined destiny Yu'Nik to their Rehlm. Just use your discernment when reading through the Laif Storiz and remember to have fun. It's only fiction after all.
Common Words Word Bank
· Di’Ehti = Deity
· Rehlm = Realm
· Threhd = Thread
· Laif = Life
· Storiz = Stories
· Taim = Time
· Kri’Aeshon / Kri’Aetor = Creation / Creator
· Mor'Tahl = Mortal
· Mah'Jihk = Magic
· Mae'J = Mage
Rehlm Word Bank
· TU’LEHRI = too’l-eh-ree
· EH’FI = eh-fee
· SEH’FAHRAIT = s-eh’fah-right
· AR’KAIV = ar’k-eye-v
· MIHS’LEHD = miss’l-eh-d
· BRAE’YAH = br-aye’ uh
· DRAH’KOHMAHJ = dr-ah’k-oh-mah-j
· SKAH’L = sk-ah’l
· DAI’MAUNT = die’mount
· BEH’MIAHTH = b-eh’ me-aw-th
The Di’Ehti Name Word Bank
· Kae’Ahs = k-aye’aw-s
· Order = order
· Gai’Ah = guy’ugh
· Fae = f-aye
· Ar’Kaiv = ar’k-eye-v
· Ahnah’Kae = ah-naw’ k-aye
· Bai’Yah = Bye’ugh
· Iti’Bah = eee-tee’bah
· Ahtah’Bae = ah-tah’bae
· Yah’Yah = yah’yah
· Deh’Mi = d-eh’ me
· Advi’Ichi = ah-d-vee’ eee-ch-eee
· Advi’Dohs = ah-d-vee’d-oh-s
· Advi’Sahn = ah-d-vee’s-ah-n
· Yuk’Au = you-k’ ow
· Guah’Sehr / Hurah’Kahn = g-wa’s-heir (but end with that Spanish rolled rr like Roman) / her-uh’c-ah-n
· Lu’Nah = l-oo’n-uh
· Dai’Ahnah = die’ana
· Yah’Yehl = y-ah’yell
· Beh'Ni = b-eh'n-ee
· Guah’Bahn = g-wah’b-ah-n
· Kah’Muae = k-ah’moo-aye
· Koh’Ahnti = k-oh’auntie
· Tau’Vahn = t-ow’van
· Sehrah’Finah = s-eh-rah’f-eee-naw
· Mah’Keht = m-ah’k-eh-t
· Ai'Sihs = eye’sis
· Deh'Nius = d-eh’knee-us
· Heh'Kaet = h-eh’kate
Once you have grasped this concept, the words of the Universe will open to you.
Note: This is an article connected to The Di'Ehtis of H'Ohm project, a fictional world created by Crystal Cabrae. All content shared is the property of Storyteller Planet, gelii)star productions, and Crystal Cabrae.
About the Author
Crystal Cabrae is a storyteller who writes dystopian, romantic, and adventurous worlds for animation and fantastical fiction. Born as Angelica Cabrera, she is a proud graduate of Full Sail University, AMDA NYC, and New World School of the Arts. Her six years of acting training in New York and Miami gives her a unique perspective when approaching her characters. Crystal has a passion for sharing how to create stories with the world and inspiring the storyteller that lives within all of us. While she tries to keep up with her social media accounts, the best way to get to know her is over a cup of tea or a good plate of food.