Inspiration: Coconuts
Click the picture to read an article about the health benefits of eating coconuts, because that's where this picture came from.
The first thing I thought of was the Lion King.
With the lovely bunch of coconuts song.
I didn't wake up inspired
But I did wake up with the urge to write
So here I am
I wanted to write an article
Or maybe it was a poem
But poems are the easy way out
For word vomit that is
Articles are harder
Stories are harder
But poems
They're the way my breain organizes thoughts and feelings
Hopefully this word vomit will get me
Inspired to write me novel
Maybe it'll just be an inspiration for someone else
To write
And that is good enough for me
Not sure what any of this has to do with coconuts
But I'm off to smoke so I leave you
With the idea of coconuts
And tropical islands
And summer paradise getaways
Because its word vomit
And sometimes we just gotta write
Even if its not on topic
Humpday yet again. Every week its like "Wow its Wednesday!" 🤣 Wednesdays anything can happen so get to writing some quality word vomit my guys!