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his heart has never been tethered she has never been free together they will show fate its

So, You Wanna Be a
Guild Leader?

Making a sub-guild is no joke around here. It takes heart, patience, and a little bit of talent. The internet is a crazy place, and making sure people aren't just flinging around their proverbial poo around can be overwhelming. While I don't anticipate you to be on there every second of the day, routine maintenance is expected and will be checked every month by the Guildmaster. If your group shows signs of unhealthy chaos, there will be a warning before a complete shutdown. Remember, this is your special piece of the guild. You are responsible for what happens in it. You're also under the MMG umbrella, so try to keep it classy. If things are over the 18+ rating, label it for the rest of those who aren't into that kind of content. All are welcome here. So, without further delay, what's your pitch?

Mythical Manuscript Guild Crest.png

Hit me with your best shot!




Thanks for submitting!

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